Wonderfully Made

You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb.I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! Psalm 139

Steven Wiltshire from the UK is autistic. H/T Deacon Greg Kandra. He has difficulty communicating, and he lives “in a world of his own. When he was eleven, after one helicopter ride over London, he was able to draw  a perfect aerial view of London. He is known as the human camera.

Every human life is created by God. Every human life is sacred. Every human life has a purpose. If there was a genetic test for Autism, would Steven have been born. I remember reading that in the UK most babies who test positive for Downs Syndrome are aborted.

Please watch this amazing video. Steven’s gift is amazing. Also there are some awesome aerial shots of Rome.


About Susan Kehoe

I am the wife of a Catholic deacon living in Des Moines Iowa. My husband Larry was ordained in 2006. We have two children and five grandchildren.. Our daughter and her family live in Ireland, and our son and his family live in Franklin Massachusetts.
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3 Responses to Wonderfully Made

  1. Beautiful minds indeed! I have a 10-year-old son who is on the Autism spectrum, and we didn’t really know until a few months ago when we finally had a diagnosis. Like all these remarkable people, he has a combination of learning disabilities and extreme gifts that make him unique – and even though life is a challenge, it is such a joy to see God’s creativity expressed in such unexpected ways.


  2. Susan Kehoe says:

    Praise God! Thank you for testifying.


  3. LeAnn Larsen says:

    this is a wonderful story.


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