On the Blog Again

Sorry about not posting in awhile. I am gearing up for RCIA, which begins in two weeks.  There are things that need to change, calendars to make, and advertising material to develop etc.

Besides it is kind of hard to post when you are attending pity party for one. It is rare for me to be down or wallow in self pity. But wallow I did.  I tried to resist really I did.

We haven’t been able to visit our children and grandchildren, in Ireland and Scotland—for over a year. The tickets have gone way up in price, and we have never recovered from Deacon being out of work for over a year several years ago. Money is tight and I have gotten the message that God does not trust us with money, but this is the longest we have gone without seeing the kids. And I couldn’t attend my nieces wedding either.

It didn’t help that I am having difficulties with MS fatigue—more than usual. When will I realize that trying to fight it just makes it worse?

God finally gave me the equivalent of a slap in the face to snap me back into reality. For days I heard a litany of real woes, suffering, and hardship from people. People who discovered they have life threatening illness. People who have multiple problems made worse by job loss. A 28 year old who committed suicide leaving his family and loved ones devastated.

For days and days I heard from people who were experiencing real problems. Even tragic ones.

Ok. God. I get the message. I will keep my small cross and be grateful for all the gifts that you have given me. I will not ask to trade in my small cross; I may end up with a larger and heavier one.

So I will keep on swimming and count my blessings.

About Susan Kehoe

I am the wife of a Catholic deacon living in Des Moines Iowa. My husband Larry was ordained in 2006. We have two children and five grandchildren.. Our daughter and her family live in Ireland, and our son and his family live in Franklin Massachusetts.
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3 Responses to On the Blog Again

  1. LeAnn Larsen says:

    I shared with Lance your insight from St Teresa of Avila. That flies in the face of caution. But I am going to pray for a pause in the suffering. I dont’ expect all my woes to magically disappear, but I am going to be brave and ask for respite. I’m tired of asking for strength.


  2. Susan Kehoe says:

    I found that praying the part of the Eucharist prayer that asks,”protect us from all anxiety” is very powerful. It is really asking for the grace to trust God’s plan for us. It is hard to put ourselves totally in God’s hands when things get rough.


  3. Sophia Origer says:

    What I hate about pity partys, no cake!!


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